"The Bear Flag BF-10 s the fastest fixed magazine reload PERIOD. The ease of use, reliability and caveman simplicity of reloading with these is a welcome progression into the fixed magazine universe."

-Micah @tacticalifornia

 "The BF-10 is an amazing tool to enhance my New York compliant AR. I have tried other types of loaders and they have just been okay, they showed wear and tear after a single use. The BF-10 is strong and well made and I'm very glad that I have a couple (I need to get a few more). I also had some questions when I first purchased and the customer service is outstanding. They are friendly and just fun to talk and work with. I have told everyone that I know that has an AR or is thinking about getting an AR that they also want some BF-10's to go along with it. Great Product and service can't be beat."


"Just received my first BF-10, and am very pleased. Ordering was easy, I like free or reasonable shipping, and shipping from CA to NY was very reasonable. Came quick too. The thing is built like a tank, very much like a Magpul magazine. With a little practice it charges the magazine with no problems. Makes it suck a little less to be a shooter in NY (and my rifle doesn't have to look like a Lost In Space prop to be "SAFE ACT" compliant)."


"The BF-10 is awesome. It worked perfectly right out of the box. It's so easy to align and insert in the ejection port it's almost foolproof, with a nice solid "thud" feeling as it locks back into place, and the sliding/loading motion of the BF-10 follower is like butter. Loading rounds into the BF-10 is almost easier than loading a normal mag. I'm already sending my friends recommendations to buy the BF-10 for themselves."


"Thanks for develping your product! I moved from WV to NY last year and considered not owning a NY complient AR15 until I bought your product with my build. It works great and makes me hate NY a little less. Keep up the good work for those of us stuck in anti-freedom states! SSG Brian Stuttler (Ret.)"


"Here in the people's republic of connecticut we are deep behind enemy lines and being pressed hard. Thank you to BFD for this product and your commitment to stand up for the constitution. This loader worked immediately whereas others didn't. Just came back for a second order."


"As a new york state resident I've tried every speed loader on the market for my fixed mag rifle and every one has fallen short with double feeds and poor feeding. Recently I decided to give the bf-10 a shot and it has really impressed. It is well made, very durable, and feeds correctly and easily every time. Thank you for making such an awesome product. "


"NY resident in search of the best way to load a fixed magazine, and I found it with your product! "


"Just built my first AR behind enemy lines in NY! I wanted a choice of features, so I made the decision to pin my magazine to my rifle. After the first time shooting it I decided that I no longer wanted to break open my AR every time to reload. After research I discovered the BF10 and I quickly bought two of them. I had issues at first but the people at bear flag were eager to help. It was discovered that my issue was an unreliable magazine causing jams and misfires. After switching out the magazine I was able to put hundreds of rounds down range with no jams. They have won a customer for life and I will be spreading the word of this amazing product!"


"Great for featureless builds too. I do a lot of bench rest shooting with my featureless Ar15 build. The BF10 loader allows me reload without having to remove my rifle from it's rest to change magazines. Great product."


"Finally got my Sport ll to the range and had some concern about taking the 2 BF-10 with me. I have arthritis in both hands but it's worse in the right hand. I had loaded one of the loaders at home and the first time if felt really stiff. Unloaded and loaded it several times on my workbench, not in the rifle. Loading was easier after it was done several times. Off to the range and couldn't get over how well the loaders worked. I was sighting in a new scope and reloaded the loaders in the time it took to retrieve the target from the 50 yard position. No hand issues what so ever! Exceptionally well made and no other device can equal the performance and quality."


"18 years of military and law enforcement experience under my belt carrying and using the M-16/AR-15 platform rifle. This truly is a game changer for those of us living under the ever more strict rules of California. Smooth, fast, and Easy to use is how I would describe the BF-10. If you’re reading this, you need one."


"Just received my BF10 today. After putting it through its paces, I must say I'm impressed. Their is no comparison between the BF10 and the XX loader. I have both. First of all, the BF10 is built so well, a truck can run over it and it will still function. A fat girl on a bicycle would destroy the XX loader. As far as functionality goes, The Bf10 works with all ar mags. The XX loader doesn't. It is almost impossible to load a G.I mag with it.It is also looks and feels like it was designed for an airsoft rifle. I'll be ordering more BF10 loaders as soon as the have their 3 packs on sale for $99 again. My advice is to stay away from the XX loader. Go BF10 all the way."


"This product is awesome! I was sceptical when I ordered my first one but after one trip to the range, I'm a huge fan. It worked exactly as advertised. I beg you guys to make one of my these for a .308 caliber. I'll be your first customer!"


"Awesome product!! Very satisfied! If you own a nys compliant AR with a fixed mag then you need this!! It is a Godsend and works absolutely flawlessly!! 5 stars all around!"


"Living in New York has limitations, so I was obviously in search for a safe and effective loader for my AR-15. I've tried everything that has come to the market for NY and CA residents and they all work. The BF-10 just works better. The learning curve is quick, with very few mis-loads (all user error). No jams. No issues. Just clean, quick reloads."
